About Me

Hi I’m Vahitha, an Electrical Engineer and a foodie. I hail from Ammapattinam, a beautiful coastal village in Pudukottai district, Tamilnadu. I live in Brunei now.

It is my personal blog to share my recipes with friends and especially with newbies. Most of these recipes are inherited from my Parents, Nears & Dears and some have been adapted from Cookery books and TV shows.

While doing high school education and Engineering, I was staying in hostel. So i have got chance to experience variety of regional cuisines native to South India. Whenever I go home for holidays, my mom used to make delicious non-veg recipes in traditional way. And my Dad, who loves something fusion in traditional food in an innovative way. So whenever I was home, he would cook something exotic. I would  stand next to him and watch how greatly he chop the vegetables. Also I used to help him in Sauteing things. That’s how it all started.

After marriage , I started exploring more to impress my Husband. He enjoys and encourages me for trying out different recipes. His feedback helps me to improvise better. I give much importance to quality and always try to follow the traditional methods of preparing food. All the recipes I posted here are self-tried and tasted.

Though here I post recipes of all types, My main idea behind this site is to document all recipes from my Hometown, with its traditional touch. Oh let me tell you about my village. As I said already, It is an amazing village, along the coast of the Bay of Bengal, with an exclusively Muslim population. Almost 75% people are engaged in the grocery business and also fishing. Fish caught in the seas around the district is the staple food there. People tend to use more coconut in their curries and food preparation. From historic period, people from in and around our village have strong trade roots with Sri Lanka, Mauritius and Burma. So we can clearly notice that these nations have strong influence in our Food & Culture.

Forgive me for the poor picture quality , as I am taking these pictures from my mobile phone. I will repost all these pictures once I get a good camera.

I really want you all to try out these exotic dishes and let me know the feedback and surely your suggestions and queries.

Happy Cooking !!!